Alimony and Child Support

Financial issues, especially those involving child support and alimony, can be some of the most contentious issues to arise during divorce proceedings.

As a law firm with almost 24 years of experience dealing with the financial issues couples face at the end of their marriage or relationship, we understand the practical and emotional toll it takes and we know how to provide support, even in the most difficult situations.

We want to help you in whatever way we can during this phase and ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect. No two situations are the same and it’s important to create arrangements that work for you and your family.

Financial Issues Put Strain on Divorcing Couples

All couples experience difficulties as they transition from marriage to divorce. Even those with mutual respect and an amicable agreement to end their marriage will likely have a few rocky days during the transition. Unfortunately, these difficulties can worsen when financial issues arise.

A couple that has come to a mutual agreement to divorce and approach the end of their marriage with optimism can be thrown into turmoil if they disagree on issues related to alimony or child support.

An experienced divorce attorney can guide decisions and ease tensions, but also ensure your rights are protected and that you receive what you deserve in your divorce. He or she can also help you look out for your children and ensure they are supported fairly in your divorce.

Child Support

When calculating child support in Florida, the court uses the Florida Child Support Guidelines, which are based on a formula that considers a variety of factors. The primary goal is to ensure that both parents contribute fairly to the financial support of the child, based on their respective incomes and financial resources.

Here are some key factors considered when calculating child support in Florida:

  1. Income of Both Parents
  2. Parenting Time (Timesharing)
  3. Health Insurance Costs
  4. Childcare Costs
  5. Special Needs or Extraordinary Expenses


In Florida, alimony is governed by Florida Statute 61.08, and when determining whether alimony should be awarded and the amount, the court considers various factors to ensure a fair and reasonable decision based on the specific circumstances of the marriage and the parties involved.

For more information or to learn how you can move forward with your legal matter, please contact us at one of the numbers on our home page to schedule a consultation. We provide in-depth consultations for a nominal fee that can help you understand your legal rights and to provide you with various options you may have to address your concerns.

Practice Areas

Family law is at the heart of our practice. It is different than any other area of law because it impacts the very core of each individual – their family.


1900 S. Harbor City Blvd. (Route #1)
Suite 315, Melbourne, FL 32901
Fax: (888) 471-5693


(321) 984-4100

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